Our Clients

Our clients are small business owners, creatives, dreamers, daredevils, first-timers, experts, and the everything-in-betweens. What links everyone together? A need for beautiful and refined content.

We understand that small business owners are required to wear many hats. It is often impossible to create and sustain quality and engaging content while also balancing the day-to-day demands of life. Today’s consumers seek to engage visually with brands. Consumer trust and loyalty are developed through beautiful and consistent imagery, and a brand story that engages the heart.

Each small business or brand has a story that lights us up. We’ll help you tell yours.

How We’re Different

Tara is uniquely trained in in-depth interview techniques and qualitative analysis. This unusual academic background allows her to ask the right questions to help you refine and identify the goals of your brand or business.

Combined with her experience as a photographer, Tara’s approach to visual branding goes beyond a simple photoshoot. Our process includes some real talk, some hard questions, lots of dreaming, and a couple of really fun days together creating some stunning images.

Together we’ll create a brand story that engages your client, and develops long-term engagement through authentic, beautiful and heart-forward imagery.


The Process

The is the FUN part!

  1. We become friends. You tell us your story, your struggles, your ‘why’, your biggest fears, your dreams. During these conversations, we are developing your brand story. You would be surprised by how much you unconsciously already know about what makes your business and brand special even if this is your first time putting a visual strategy in place. It’s our job to listen and pick out the key pieces so you don’t have to.

  2. We review. Here’s where things can get a little ugly. We will review your current brand materials, your social media content, and your messaging. We will slash and burn a bit but we will keep the gems. Remember, we do not expect you to be good at everything. The toughest part of running your own business is feeling overwhelmed to do everything right. You might make the best damn cake in town, or be the most incredible yogi, or maybe your business has been in the family for 100 years. So what if your website or social accounts are ugly? We are a judgement-free zone, and we love you anyways. We’re here to take what you have, and make it even better!

  3. We goal-set. What do you want? More followers on social media? A refined brand story that engages customers long-term? Higher prices for your products? To put yourself at the heart of your brand? To develop strategies that allow for future growth towards brand expansion? Are you literally just confused about what you want? We promise you we’ve been there. We will work together to refine and set goals for both the long and short term.

  4. We plan our approach. We’ll determine if you need a ‘Right Now’ approach, which means we need to act fast to build content around an event or launch, or want to get deeper into the story, and take a long-term approach. We take your business story and make it bigger and better over the course of a year (multiple shoots) or longer. Each client process is unique, but all include:

    • A refined brand story that concisely and beautifully allows your clients to understand who and what you do, and WHY you do it.

    • At least one photo session (although we find that long-term and regularly-scheduled content creation sessions are the best to keep your branding and story consistent). These sessions are planned and executed with your brand story at the fore, and

    • Check-ins. How are your new materials being received? Are you ready to book another shoot? Do we need to create a film, or maybe a stop-motion element to your visuals? We love the check-in process because this is usually when we find folks are ready to GROW!

  5. We execute. We schedule your shoot(s), and make your plan happen! Let’s do this!

Ok, but how much is this going to cost?

Don’t worry.

We have various packages and structures to meet the needs of the newest ‘this-is-my-first-time’ creative to the larger national or international brand that wants to freshen up its visual materials. Reach out. We’ll book a complimentary phone consult and go from there! Click here to get in touch!
